How long does it take? #ArchiTalksIE

This is an ‘ArchiTalks – Ireland’ post where blogging architects in Ireland post on the same subject on the same day/time The topic of this post is “What’s a typical timeline to design and build a house” The problem and Read More …

How much does an architect cost (again)…

If there’s one blog post that I return to again and again it’s this one. And it’s also the question I am asked the most; generally the question is along the lines: ‘How much does a set of plans cost’ Read More …

#Architalks #StartingADesign #HowItAllBegins

This post is part of the ArchiTalks series where a group of us (architects who also blog) all post on the same day and promote each other’s blogs. The Topic ‘Leader’ for this post ‘Starting a Design’ is Jon Brown: Read More …

When trying to pick an architect – don’t focus too much on other houses they’ve done

Now this is a bit of a dichotomy: • You’re trying to pick the architect that’s perfect for you, your family and your project • Therefore you’re looking through their portfolio of work (HERE is ours by the way) • Read More …

How much does an architect cost ? 2017 Prices

This is the topic I return to again and again! THIS POST summarises and has links to the older posts (going back to 2010) THIS POST goes through our new business model for initial consultations and ‘sketch’ designs Pricing strategy Read More …

How much does an architect and more specifically me cost ?

This must be one of the longest threads on this blog; I first wrote How much does an architect cost? in 2010. And then revisited the same topic ‘How much does an architect Cost?’ in 2012 So this post in Read More …

Choosing an architect : Compare apples with apples

It’s very important that when you are choosing an architect that you fully understand the services that he/she will provide and how much time they will spend on your project. So it’s for this reason that I’m saying compare apples Read More …

How do you choose the right architect?

This is a bit of a follow-up to the post & comment on: What jobs as well as architects are asked to do work for free (which incidentally got a great response from a whole host of other professions) and Read More …

How much does an architect cost? (again) & variations…

I’ve written about this previously but I’m adding a couple of interesting bits here. The purpose of this blog post isn’t going to discuss the normal ways that an architect charges. The RIAI has an excellent section on their website Read More …

How much does an architect cost ?

One of the coolest things about running a WordPress based website are the cool statistics you get. I can tell daily,weekly and money stats; where visitors have been referred from, what they’ve clicked on from my website and probably the Read More …