I think this may be last post (for a while) on the testing we’ve been doing with VectorWorks, Unreal Engine and a Oculus Quest 2 VR headset…
THIS is the last post that gives the links for the previous ones and introduces Unreal Engine.
But why do you need to use Unreal? Here’s a few key selling points:
The YouTube below shows some of the Unreal Engine features in more detail:
So back to the test. In the previous post I had the headset working but without the hand controllers fully functional. A special thanks now to 2nd son who’s a specialist instructor in Unreal where he gave me the heads up on importing my CAD model into the VR Game template. You can see a screen grab of this template below; from scratch you have the ability to pick-up, throw, and shoot!
So then I imported a Vectorworks test model – note that I put the guns away neatly on top of the island 😉
My son quickly showed me how the programming is built into Unreal Engine using ‘Blueprint’ – below is a screen grab of some nonsense from this (as haven’t got to gripped with this yet!):
So back to the main test in that the headset and hand controllers worked well; full immersive viewing with the ability to move and teleport functioning well within scenes. But this type of functionailty would work with a lot of CAD/3D software now (check out the previous post on SketchUp HERE but what separates Unreal Engine I believe is that additional functionality you can get with the programming capabilities in addition to the immersive, real-time rendering – imagine walking through the house where the remote control can alter the lighting and TV from within the scene – your home automation software allows the curtains/blinds to be automatically pulled… the sky’s the limit!