I love a blog post – Combo:
1. Will we ever put blinds on our house
Mash-up with:
2. The coolest house included in a film:
Following on from yesterdays blog post on A LONG OVERDUE JOB ON THE HOUSE (where I finally got round to putting up a Lindab hopper & downpipe) this post asks whether we’ll ever be putting up blinds on the front of our house? Remember the woes of self-building:
Let’s have a reminder of what the inside looks like:
So let’s open it up for discussion. Do YOU think it should have blinds or curtains?
But what does this have to do with the coolest house on film, well let’s answer the question first…
The coolest house on cinematographic film has to be Camerons parents gaff (best friend) to Ferris Bueller in his ‘Day Off’:
Images below from Huffington Post; Link to original article HERE:
So, what does this still have to do with it?
Well it’s a contemporary, heavily glazed modern house with possibly the curtains we should use in our place?
Let me know what you think…
Wonder how long it will take to make a decision and get this job done? Answers on a postcard but watch this space.
btw I think the house is still for sale – yours at a snip for $1.65 million
hi mark,
i would myself definitely have blinds but it’s a toss up for many i would imagine. you could always take them away again if you didn’t like them after time though and presuming you could bear to have wasted your money and made a mistake.
ferris house is a cool garage for sure.
i always liked the north-by-northwest setting which i see now was a film set!…trust flw sued for copyright theft
From the photo, it seems the glare needs to be addressed. I once mistook your exterior eave racks as exterior roller blinds, which might be an cost effective solution with commercial quality to create and extend another layer of your all glass interior.space. If you seriously put the house on-sale, I think you might need a little extra help from furnishing, such as area rugs to help define and suggest the full potential of the space.
Thanks for comment, the brise soleil works well in high summer and allows excellent sun penetration throughout winter. There are rugs that you can’t see in this view – thanks for advice tho’
Hey mark
We ha the same issue & only took a year to have out blinds installed after moving in. Was a great debate for months as to what we wanted. In the end we went with remote control roller blinds
🙂 they sound great
Semi-translucent blinds? I saw some on this youtube video http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=related&v=_NDTqq3Euz4 about 4 minutes in.