I’ve written previously on the concept of Architect as Story Teller and it’s interesting to see this theory in action now that that I have two of the ‘stories’ currently on site and under construction.
The residential work I concentrate on tends to fall into similar categories:
This last category by it’s very nature tend to be dwellings that conform to the local rural housing guides and are normally a single room deep. This narrow depth of plan combined with the large, rural site allows for flexibility in tracking the sun in the form and footprint of the building. The theory therefore is that the rooms and configuration are in response to the clients requirements and orientated to maximise or minimise their relationship with the sun as the sun tracks from East to West during the day and evening.
So, below are a few diagrams of the footprints of several one-off rural houses that fall into this category. The layouts and sections through the building change dramatically with each client and site but it’s interesting to see how each ‘variation’ can equate to a different ‘story’ being told; albeit with a similar thread running through each one. I’ve added a few notes under each caption giving a little information and the current status of the project. You can see ‘Under construction’ photos for the relevant projects in the Flickr widget on the right side-bar. South is orientated upwards in relation to the footprint.

Sketch & pre-planning complete, project scuppered by planning restrictions.

Planning permission granted, construction & tender information complete – project ON HOLD

Planning permission granted, construction information complete, tendered & on site via project manager

Planning permission granted, construction information complete, currently on site and under construction as self-build project
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