I am pleased to announce that I will be speaking at the forthcoming 24th Passive House Conference (20th September – 8th October).
I was hoping that I was going to be returning to the proposed venue in Berlin – to make a return where I was last at in my 5th year college visit before the wall came down! Instead this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic the conference is now virtual. It will still however be as great as ever – probably even better now that distance has been removed. I have previously been a speaker at the same conference in Munich in 2018 – which you can read about HERE
So, the programme & tickets for the conference are available HERE and if you’re interested in hearing about my topic ‘Mind the gap: nZEB and Passivhaus: An Irish perspective’ – I’ll be on Wednesday 23rd September at 10.40am with Qustion & Answer immediately after this for all speakers:
I look forward to seeing you there…