I’ve blogged a similar post previously but just to make sure you’re listening, here it is again…
This is the greatest piece of advice I can give to any architecture student, anyone aspiring to work in this precarious game and anyone working in the construction industry; although the advice given is based on my line of work, I suspect that the same advice applies to anyone working in any field. I frequently have chats with a structural engineer (Hi Paul) who concurs exactly with what I’m professing. I heard something similar to this advice from the great Part III lectures from John Cane, although at the time I didn’t really understand what he meant. Now with time and experience I understand. The advice is given without examples or case-studies; you just have to accept the words as truth.
Are you ready?
Here it is, the greatest advice ever:
100% of the problems that you create for yourself in business are caused by you being too helpful.
So, from this day on. Ask yourself one question:
“Not now, but in the future will this act of helpfulness come back and bite me in the ass and cause me problems at a later date ?”
Trust me. Comments welcome…