“I say I say I say, what is the secret to great comedy”
“I don’t know what is the secret to great…” “timing”
The same applies in the construction world. The secret to great construction is timing. Or as it is sometimes referred to ‘sequencing’.
gerund or present participle: sequencing
arrange in a particular order.
In construction you have a specific set of materials that combine together in a detail that prevents water ingress, unwanted air infiltration and eliminates any cold bridges.
It’s fine to have the materials and the detail but the sequencing of the trades is critical in delivering the correct result.
This concept of detailing has become so important that I’m adding it to drawings to ensure contractors understand the correct sequence (see detail below on concrete pre-cast hollowcore floor installation):
The concept of sequencing is also covered well in ‘The Passivhaus Handbook’ by Janet Cotterell & Adam Dadeby (Links to book title on GreenBooks.co.uk) (see Figure 9.2 below showing their example):
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