Again I’m having to reevaluate how to handle ‘Initial Consultations’; if you want to see how many times I’ve changed this policy type Initial Consultation into the search field of this site.
So this is what I’m now doing:
• An initial consultation in our new sparkly office in Swinford for €100 + VAT (23%) and covers approximately an hour. This covers:
– Discussing the brief and general accommodation requirements
– Discussing the ‘look & feel’ of the project
– Discussing budget
– Discussing Work Stages & Architects appointment
– Follow up email with breakdown of architectural fees
– Outline of planning process (if required)
– Complimentary tea or coffee
The consultation does not include any designing or designs – only how I would outline my approach to your specific project.
But why the fee?
We have a substantial body of work currently on the books; this fee separates those that are serious about appointing us as architects and reduces ‘tyre-kickers’
And why not at my site or house?
I would need to charge considerably more to cover the additional time and travel; the area of my work based on current projects covers 6,868 sq miles (and is increasing on a day by day basis). Visiting every site just isn’t feasibly economic.
With Google Maps and StreetView together with OSi historic maps, meeting in the office gives the client a better service. The function of this first initial consultation is to discuss the items above and a fee structure for progressing further which includes numerous site visits prior to commencing design.
If you’re interested in meeting with me to discuss your project then please CONTACT ME…
ps Watch this space for details of other consultations in other parts of the country…