Why architects need to charge for consultations:
Original enquiry was for me to visit house to increase light and warmth to the living room of an existing house.
My response was to either:
a. Conduct a site visit & consultation to discuss the scope of the project, typical costs, budget etc… – charge €100 + VAT (23%) or:
b. Provide an Initial Consultation which includes a partial survey, discuss brief and sketch possible proposal(s) in a mini-report – €495 + VAT (23%)
Here’s my reply when the enquiry was disappointed that I would not visit without payment:
“Many thanks for your reply, I am sorry but I am unable to provide a feasibility consultation of this type without some form of payment. The reasons for this are as follows:
• I am frequently asked to undertake consultations of this type across the Ireland; the travelling costs of traversing 6,868 sq miles (just taking into account the area of Connaught alone) do not make visiting every site in this way economically feasible.
• The travelling costs do not take into account the time & money lost working on paying projects.
• The fees discussed are in my opinion are small price to pay in order to ascertain the projects feasibility, possible designs & budget.
• The low fees separate those that are serious about their project and those that are ‘tire-kickers’, I am sure that you are very serious about undertaking the work but unfortunately in my experience there are those that aren’t.
• I also find that clients respect this business like approach which is similar in format to other professionals.
If you would like to proceed with either of the consultations as discussed, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards
Mark Stephens BA(Hons) DipArch ARB RIBA MRIAI (Conservation Accredited III)
I encourage all professionals working in the construction industry to do the same, please feel free to forward & copy. It is only when we respect our time that others will respect us as a business.
Well said! Unfortunately too many architects are willing to work for free…