As a long-time user of Vectorworks (In a previous life I ran the most successful UK/Ireland Vectorworks consultancy) and a Certified Passivhaus (Passive House) Designer / Consultant, I was thrilled to see that Vectorworks implemented tools to calculate Building Energy Performance called Energos – AND!, Energos is built around the Passivhaus calculation method.
We have since the inclusion of Energos, written our own in-house guide that helps new staff utilise the Energos tools. And as well giving clear explanations to the Energos tools and functions, we give a corresponding explanation of each Passivhaus principle and how they relate in Energos.
These new training notes are now available to all HERE in our shop, or alternatively click on the image below:
Ideal if you are a Vectorworks user or simply interested in finding out more about Passivhaus and the software that can be used for a Building’s Energy Performance.