A short recap:
S.I. No.9 of 2014 came into play March 2014 where projects (falling under and subject to the Building Regulations, type & exemptions) require:
• Design Certifier
• Assigned Certifier
With less than a week to go; there is a scheduled change in legislation from 1st September such that ‘one-off’ houses and extensions are exempt from the above S.I9 requirements.
Sometimes it’s easy to lose track of exactly what you want. So here it is. This is what I want.
1. I’m happy inspecting and certifying work but I don’t want to take the full liability for other peoples work (this was what was expected under SI9)
2. I’m happy that self-builders from 1st September can construct their own homes and extensions
3. I’m not happy that the Local Authorities will only be inspecting 15% of construction projects in Ireland. This needs to be 100% or it’s worthless. The numbers that can make this happen are well documented on the BRegs Forum
4. I’m not happy that we’re still in a situation where a developer can employ his own Design & Assigned Certifier for their own projects. The result are multiple Priory Halls happening all over again.
Comments welcome…
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