This is one of the ‘Architect as…’ posts I’ve been doing on an irregular basis.
To see the rest either search for ‘Architect as’ in the right side bar or CLICK HERE…
I’d written previously about Mark Stephens Architects as Expert Witnesses but this post is of an entirely different nature.
Architect as Witness
But witness to what?
As a party and witness to the dreams and aspirations of people. To work with and alongside clients to try and create in constructional form a metaphor for these dreams and aspirations.
But as well as seeing the happiness of achieving these dreams over the last few years I’ve also been witness to seeing these dreams fail, with many because of economic changes and sometimes to be witness to events so tragic that I would be unable to write them down.
For that is the beauty of being an architect, a double-edged sword – to see the happiness of people living in buildings I have designed but with a flip-side of also seeing others whose dreams change and sometimes turn to dust.
But what can we do? Absolutely nothing. Dream big for it is these dreams that you are made as a person.
And if you’re looking or an architect to try and make those dreams come true then please CONTACT ME…
I like this. Architecture is all about happiness by finding a home for everyone. We lose sight of that sometimes. Thanks for the reminder Mark…
I agree, thanks for kind words & comments