Sometimes following CPD you have a big rethink! Mention for @ecologicalbuild

A sort of follow-up to the Post on CPD; sometimes following a CPD session it really pushes you into a rethink on the way you’re doing things.

After a CPD session on #PassivHaus we had a site visit to the lovely, in-construction, soon to be certified, passive house of Architect Cuala McGann and it really made me think about u-values we’re currently working to.

What’s amazing in Ireland is the overwhelming use of blockwork, cavity construction. No matter how much you try it’s very difficult to get the client mindset to adjust to a warmer, easier to airtighten and faster to construct method that is timber frame. What was incredible at Cuala’s house were the resulting u-values of such a construction – what could possibly be the lowest u-values in Ireland, if not Europe.

Let’s go back only a few years; 2008 regs had wall u-values at 0.27 W/m2K; to achieve 2012 compliance you’re looking at practically Passivhaus standard of 0.15 W/m2K. Remember that you can’t now rely on backstop u-values to ensure compliance HERE IS A BLOG POST ON THAT TOPIC. Cuala’s house has a wall u-value at 0.07 W/m2K; that’s nearly a 400% improvement on a value only 4 years ago!. And it’s done in a wall construction and materials that are entirely naturally-made! ( Gutex from Ecological Building Systems ).

Under construction

Although not complete, the house is well on the way (photo above taken at the end of the day), a special thanks to Cuala McGann for showing us around the benchmark of passivhaus construction.

5 thoughts on “Sometimes following CPD you have a big rethink! Mention for @ecologicalbuild

  1. good afternoon Mark,
    I have jst seen this. Thank you very much for your kind comments- really encouraging. I forgot of course to reply to your email about our timescale- sorry about that. We have been on site since 2009. We got the foundations poured then & froze the project for about 9 months so i could get trained as passive house designer.. We have been moving along steadily albeit slowly since then. Self buiding is not a quick process especially when confined to weekends 🙂 I hope that we can show you this project finished next year!!! have a lovely weekend.
    best regards

    1. Thanks Cuala and thanks again for the opportunity in seeing your house.

      What Passivhaus is doing is great but what we need is a building work force that can do other things than just lay blocks and what you’re doing at your house shows a. That it can be done and b. How to do it.

      Have a great weekend


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