I’m normally blog posting as part of my business strategy; but this one is different – there’s no need to like, share, retweet or comment but if you knew Michael Kourtellos remember what a decent bloke, family and business man he was as it’s now a month since his funeral.
I first met Michael in the early 1990’s as one of my customers when he purchased a MiniCAD manual and I went on to recommend him for a job at what was Gomark Ltd. Who was to know he would go on to be a stalwart of the UK and European Vectorworks community. We worked together over the years at trade events across the country; and at all those events I never heard Michael complain once. In all the business dealings and shenannigans between us, we never had an argument or a cross-word – which is more to the testament of Michael’s temperament than mine.
The world is a worse place without Michael in it and I was proud to have called him a colleague and friend.
My thoughts and prayers go to Michaels’ family, friends & colleagues; it’s hard to believe he was taken so suddenly and is no longer with us.
RIP Michael.