If you’re contemplating a construction project whether a whole house, extension or refurbishment be prepared to make a lot of decisions. I was reminded of that this week over a single external door. So let’s look at the decisions you have to make:
You should have an elevation from the planning drawings that you will be working too; but that may have been ages ago and you may have changed your mind. What type of impression or kerb appeal would you like the door to give. Door styles can vary immensely and have panels, sheeting, glazed panels (more on that below), the list is endless:
What material would you like the door to be made of? Timber (this may be specified in one of the planning conditions), fibreglass, upvc, aluminium clad… again decisions
Thermal Performance
What’s the u-value of the door? How does the u-value of the door affect the overall BER (SAP) or PHPP rating?
Are there glazed panels? What shape/size/proportion are they? Are they clear or frosted glass? Do you have a view that you want to look out to? Do you want to hide any messy areas?
In todays age cost is all-important. What budget do you have? Doors can range in cost from a few hundred euros to many thousands.
You may have a preferred manufacturer or one that you wouldn’t even contemplate.
What door handles and locksets would you like? Materials/styles/cost…
As you can see there are a lot of decisions in just one item. Now look at all the other decisions:
As I said there’s a lot of decisions to be made and as @bobborson said in LifeofanArchitect the client needs to give time and work with the architect to each of these decisions.
And if the client doesn’t allow time to do this then the architect will assume decisions on behalf of the client; and we all know the result of assume, it makes an ass out of u and me …