What we’re seeing with ordinary members of the RIAI is remarkable; a ground swell of support on a common, specific purpose, completely separate from the Institute:
Today 500+ architects have today written to Minister Phil Hogan asking him to defer the new building regulation amendments pending review due to concerns.
I am personally calling on all Irish Chartered Structural Engineers to also get involved, if you would like to be included as one of the many that has put their head above the parapet then complete the form below:
My goal is simply to get the ball rolling; let’s see what interest is out there regarding the concerns Structural Engineers have as Assigned Certifier under SI80. We’ll be in contact once we’ve reached a ground swell of support; until that time your contact details will remain confidential.
What’s interesting is that this movement has come about not from any Institute but by ordinary members taking action. You too could take this similar action by supporting The BRegsForum This is an ‘open-forum’ group, open to all with the intention of providing debate to obtain a better Building Control System for Ireland.