It’s that time of year for our annual review of projects. It looks like we’ve finally seen the tide turn and this year has been exceptionally busy. Let’s hope this continues (for everyone) in 2017 despite Brexit & Trump.
So below are the projects this year – if you are thinking of an architectural project in 2017 in Ireland – whether it’s a new house, house or cottage extension, refurbishment, remodeling or conservation-related project – why not CONTACT US…. With our new ‘online’ services that are available in our ‘SHOP’ we can now undertake projects across Ireland as well as in our ‘home’ counties of Mayo, Galway, Clare, Roscommon, Sligo and Roscommon.
We completed several house extensions in County Mayo that involved a full architectural service:
This contemporary, modernist extension to a two storey farmhouse in County Roscommon was also completed and moved into by clients:
This A2 rated house was also completed earlier this year:
My friends (and clients) Barbara & Mark finally completed their cottage refurbishment & extension & moved in!:
We also completed this refurbishment to a cottage in County Sligo:
By the time of reading this 2 storey contemporary extension to a traditional 2 storey Irish farmhouse in County Sligo is also complete:
We’re also half way through the construction of this house in Foxford, County Mayo where although it’s not one of our designs we’ve added some exciting internal features and are acting as architects, Design and Assigned Certifiers for the construction:
We also won the ‘Beautiful Grass Roof Contest – Selfie category’:
We also received planning permission for several other houses which are on site in 2017; the first below will be a Certified Passivhaus in County Mayo:
The one below is a replacement/new dwelling in County Roscommon:
There’s also been a heap of initial consultations and extension designs that have come out of our new online SHOP which are shown below:
We also have a stack of projects currently either going through pre-planning, planning and are forecast to start on site next year:
We also undertook part time lecturing positions at UCD, Sligo IT and at the TechnoTeachers Annual Conference:
I’ve also had some great architectural visits this year (I’m calling it the year of travel!):
Farnsworth House:
Kentuck Knob:
CabbageTown (Toronto):
Sorry if it’s turned a bit into a ’round-robin’ but I just wanted to share the projects we’ve been working on for this year and with luck we could be seeing you as a client in 2017? As you can see the examples of our work are broad and wide ranging, both large and small; from the very traditional to the very contemporary, with all stops in between.
A special thanks to Melissa in the office for all the hard work and to my better half Terry for putting up with me.
So I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year & a propsperous 2017…