Are you a nester or a percher? #FLW

They say you learn something new every day and I’m surprised I’d never heard this design characteristic earlier:

Nesters and Perchers

The faithful readers amongst you will know I’ve just returned from a trip to Chicago where we visited some Frank Lloyd Wright properties.

Wright divided his clients into two basic types: nesters or perchers.

Nesters like to be tucked amongst the woods whilst perchers prefer being high atop hills.

You can see both of these client types at Fallingwater (Nesters):


and Kentuck Knob (Perchers):


Mary Swick goes into a bit more detail HERE concerning the characteristics of each.

What’s interesting is that the same applies with my clients today; they are split between those that love the big open plan spaces (perchers) and those that love the small intimate dens and snugs (nesters). And because my clients are frequently married, the husband may be one type and the wife another so that one design may encompass both nesting and perching!

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