I’ve written copiously on the subject of building size. Generally about the need for us to build smaller. You can read the last post and links to the previous ones HERE
As a rural architect (based in County Mayo) this advice comes from the continuous enlarging of ‘McMansions’ where bedrooms are added upon bedrooms and ensuites are piled upon ensuites. And this downsizing doesn’t apply to the current furore over Dublin apartment size which is currently in the headlines.
The Irish Times has a good summary HERE
How these smaller apartments will create ghettos of the future – Irish Times Opinion HERE
The premise of my argument over bigger houses just doesn’t apply to apartments; there is very little saving to be found (circa 0.5% according to lorcansirr on a one bed apartment and as Orla Hegarty points out smaller apartments still have to have the same fixed elements such as kitchens, bathrooms, heating, windows for example.
My opinion? There’s nothing intrinsically wrong with small apartments; they help getting onto the property ladder and they suit single people & couples; but the problem is that the race to a smaller size makes that size the norm rather than being a small part of a wider mix of sizes.