This is the fifth post on BIM following on from:
BIM for Beginners – what is BIM
BIM for Beginners – A simple BIM example and
BIM for Beginners – Client Benefits
BIM for beginners So is BIM just software then
And will be a post giving examples of BIM in action. If you have an example you think I should include, simply CONTACT ME… giving a short paragraph of text, an image and contact credits.
This example comes from @bobborson who you may already have seen I’m a big fan of and highly recommend his blog at Life of an Architect and features the KHouse Modern project.
The image below shows one of the images from Bob’s post modelled and rendered using Revit; the image also links to the blog post:
What’s interesting from a BIM point of view is that:
“…the downspout and the foundation vent are in close proximity to one another. When we rendered this image, we saw that the downspout ran down in front of where we located the vent and as a result, we went back and moved the vent over to the left.”
It’s this type of interaction with the 3D model between the design, rainwater goods and M/E requirements that shows the benefit of BIM; it means you are exploring and solving complex problems in the virtual environment rather than the costlier version on site.
The full blog post of the KHouse Modern Project shows a lot more images, references to BIM and discusses drawing quality and pdf production.
As mentioned above; if you have a nice BIM example from any field – CONTACT ME!
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