A massive thanks to Marguerita at Blake Design (http://www.blakedesign.ie) for designing and printing the current business card.
In the same way that it pays to employ an architect to design your house, you should get a good graphic designer to design your business cards. As the designer can bring things to the table that you would not have thought of; in this instance the layout, colours the concept of card as brochure etc…, in fact everything to do with the card!
Looking back over my career, the concept of the business card has been an interesting one; from my very first (using one of the first photocopiers in the 70’s aged 10), to the one given to my better half before our first date (she can’t complain now as the card had ‘Architect and Super-Prat’) displayed very clearly, to the current incarnation which is easily the most beautiful to date.
Below are a few images of the card, display, and also the pdf of the 7th version of the proof (thanks for patience Marguerita)
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