As we see the end of another year I thought I’d make my last blog post a review of the projects and fun stuff that happened in the year.
Several clients enjoyed their new homes for a first time, including new houses, extensions, restorations; a few of which are shown below:
We’ve obtained planning permissions for several projects that will be constructed during 2011, the images below show a rear extension to a 2 storey farmhouse we’re also renovating and the second image shows a two storey extension and restoration to a single room cottage that was the subject of a design poll this year:
We’ve also seen the introduction of 2 new kittens and a few hens into household, yes that egg really is that size, ouch!
I’ve also been part of a brilliant team providing free architectural advice on a Friday afternoon and for the Western People newspaper, for details of team members click Ask the Architect
A few other bits and bobs include finally achieving PADI Master Scuba Diver certification, 17 years after doing Open Water in Australia with OH. Looking after abandoned donkey during worst winter in existence.
As we’re experiencing economic turmoil and recession we can only hope for a better 2011, the phrase around here at the moment is ” Well we’re all in it together “. So let me take this opportunity to wish you all a happy new year and a healthy and prosperous 2011.
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