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  1. WorcesterModern
    January 20, 2011

    Hi. I was just wondering what happens if the MVHR unit breaks down or there is a power cut. Do I have to run round opening all the windows to make sure there is enough breathable air? I’m sure this is an issue that has been raised before but I can’t quickly find an answer and I just wondered if you know.


    • markstephensarchitect
      January 20, 2011

      A passive house is never completely air tight (threshold is 0.6ach) so you'[d have enough air to breath (someone correct me if this is wromg!); the house may get a bit stuffy and there’s be condensation on windows etc.. inside after showers etc.. but opening 2 windows opposite each other to provide cross ventilation will normally change the air completely in a room within 10 minutes.


  2. WorcesterModern
    January 20, 2011

    OK that’s great. I’m just starting down the road of building a house and have just appointed the architects. I’d like to go for PassivHaus standard and get it certified too. The BRE website contains loads of useful advice which is enough for me to make it part of the brief.
    Thanks again for the answer.


    • markstephensarchitect
      January 20, 2011

      Excellent, I’d advise getting someone to work alongside your architects (unless they know PHPP) as a Passive House consultant that can check the house in PHPP as you progress, the website you mention should have listing-there’s also an EU passive house site too that may help.


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