Cobblers Cottage Restoration Exterior

Cobblers Cottage Restoration Exterior

Cobblers Cottage Restoration Exterior

0 thoughts on “Cobblers Cottage Restoration Exterior

  1. Hi Mark,
    I was delighted to read and see the fab job you and your crew did on that little cobblers cottage. I live in Athlone co westmeath and have a simillar derelict old “Byer”( cow shed) on my land. I too would love to turn it into a usable space as I think it’s a little gem and i’m very passionate about keeping these building’s alive!!
    Ok, I’ll cut to the chase, I have a very limited budget and not a clue where to start! I would’t need planning permission, just some real good advice. I have no problem getting my hands dirty and would love to take part in some of the work to make it really my project too!!Maybe you would know a good stone mason in my area? any pointers are very much appreciated, Many thanks, Melanie.

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