The journey I have made to get to where I am now (apologies for using the ubiquitous ‘Pop Idol’ – ‘journey’) has been an interesting one.
Spanning many different jobs. In many different sectors. Starting as a small boy wanting to be an architect through to doing a myriad of different occupations over many years until returning to what I’d always wanted to be over fifty years later.
I also went through the obligatory myriad of hairstyles – including hair colour. Probably the worst phase was when I decided it was a great idea to have a pony-tail and dye my hair blond. The result was more of a rat’s tail and the colour was more bright orange than surfer blond!
And the one overriding thing I think looking back at that time regarding that period was ‘WHAT WAS I THINKING?’
And then what was more amazing is that I actually met someone incredible whilst still with a ponytail (the colour grew out thank god) and that on May 1st I’ll have been married to that incredible woman for 25 years exactly:
See below how other Architalkers have interpreted this post:
Jeremiah Russell, AIA – ROGUE Architecture (@rogue_architect)
what were we thinking: #architalks
Eric T. Faulkner – Rock Talk (@wishingrockhome)
WWIT — Convenience Kills!
ps More to add when they come online. It’s a Bank Holiday over here you know.
pps This post has nothing to do with architecture – just wanted to feature my great and lovely widfe.
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