6 responses

  1. Sam Golden (@GoldenGatsby)
    August 31, 2011

    Nice article Mark and on a very interesting subject. We’re always chasing dopamine highs and I thought your link to the riots was very valid. The UK didn’t see half the amount of looting of designer goods during the riots of the 1980s, a sure sign of a consumerist society buying its own headstone.


    • markstephensarchitect
      August 31, 2011

      Thanks for kind words;Good point, forgotten about amount of looting in 80’s – considerably less. A generation that wants everything for nothing.


  2. Trisha Macnair
    August 31, 2011

    Pearls of wisdom ! It’s the strongest arguement there is for closing down Sunday shopping (the quick-fix high of the masses) and forcing people back to spending at least one day a week carefully crafting homes and gardens and relationships, around a big lunch made with thought from basic ingredients.


    • markstephensarchitect
      August 31, 2011

      Thanks, excellent point. The family that crafts (and eats together) stays together !


  3. David Knopfler
    August 31, 2011

    I didn’t know the science behind it but I intuitively knew this to be true when I used to de-rust my bike wheels as a boy, the bike always felt more loved afterwards. Also a rather crappy chip-board chess board I made as a student some 30 years ago always meant a lot to me. I’ve always enjoyed adding a personalised 50% to my homes and completely renovating – and those were the homes it was much harder to say goodbye to. Would be good if everyone could understand this.


    • markstephensarchitect
      August 31, 2011

      Exactly, well said


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