Last Post of 2011, a year in review

So here we are at the end of 2011 with the customary look back over the year.

Well the best that can be said is that we’ve survived, a tough year but a definite improvement on where I thought we’d be (at the end of 2010 I envisaged me having to leave Ireland for work).

Not a great year for the animals in the household:

1 cat death from mink bite
3 hens slaughtered in coop by presumably mink &
2 dogs presumably shot

nb It’s a tough life here, known by some as as bandit country

Good news, 2 new cats are thriving:

And the business is developing:

. Planning permission granted for this gently curving house in Longford, production drawings finished just before Christmas, have gone out to tender and fingers crossed on site in spring 2012:

Finally got on site for the traditional but with a contemporary twist extension to house in Clare, should be finished in a month or so:

Lots of planning permissions gained but not on site due to the banks having no money! Hopefully this we’ll see some of these go ahead in 2012.

There are also some other lovely projects (and clients) on the books which are at different stages, some in for planning, others going out to tender and some starting on site:

Other bits an’ bobs:

Finally got round to fixing new Brabantia letter box, before and after photos below:

I’ve continued to cycle throughout the year, as attested by the (boring to some) @cyclemeter statistics for each ride:

More importantly, everybody has their health and is doing OK.

Well onwards and upwards, 2012 can’t be any worse than 2011? Can it?

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